Our ministry is to provide a facility in Scotland to bring the work of the writing country to the notice of all Christians in Scotland that they may, together with Christians throughout the world, understand better the inequalities and injustices suffered particularl y by women. We also want to identify with the writing country and bring a sense of joy and togetherness knowing that in Christ we are sisters and brothers to each other. In our prayer together we exhibit harmony and mutual support through which the writing country, and others along the way will feel a sense of buoyancy, generated by the knowledge that we are together, that they are not alone. Together we work to create pressures in our own society that will bring about change so that we can look forward to justice and harmony for all.
At the head of the column to the right, are links to the three recent ministries, the immediate past World Day of Prayer, the current, and the forthcoming World Day of Prayer.
Future ministries are considered by the International Committee and writing countries have been allocated up to 2031.
- 2025 Cook Islands – “I Made You Wonderful”
- 2026 Nigeria – “I Will Give You Rest: Come”
- 2027 International Committee WDP -”United in Prayer for Justice and Peace”
- 2028 Costa Rica – “Leading the Way in Grace”
- 2029 Italy – “Compassion brings Healing” –
- 2030 Nepal – “As the Earth Rests, People Can Eat”
- 2031 Jamaica – “A Sign of Faith”
For themes after this date the International Committee will invite applications from prospective writing countries and will be processing the applications at a meeting after the closing date to be announced.
We continue to remember in our Prayers :
- 2024: “I Beg You… Bear With One Another in Love” (WDP women of Palestine)
- 2023: “I Have Heard About Your Faith” (WDP women of Taiwan)
- 2022: ”I Know the Plans I Have For You” (WDP women of England,Wales & N Ireland)
- 2021: ”Build On A Strong Foundation” (WDP women of Vanuatu)
- 2020: “Rise! Take Your Mat And Walk” (WDP women of Zimbabwe)
- 2019: “Come – Everything is Ready” (WDP women of Slovenia)
- 2018: “All God’s Creation is Very Good” (WDP women of Suriname)
- 2017: “Am I Being Fair to You?” (WDP women of the Philippines)
- 2016: “Receive children, Receive me.” (WDP women of Cuba)
- 2015: “Do You Know What I have Done to You?” (WDP women of the Bahamas)
- 2014: “Stream in the Desert” (WDP women of Egypt)
- 2013: “I was a Stranger and you Welcomed Me” (WDP women of France)
Bible Society
As part of our partnership for delivering resources and practical help to the writing country, some information is included below: