Organisers Page

The Gathering 2024

Payment Information

Bank Details

  • Bank Name: Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Sort Code: 83:20:06
  • Account No: 18873111
  • Cheques made Payable to: WDP Scottish Committee and forwarded to Mrs Suzanne Foster; 4 Gateley Avenue; Blyth; Northumberland NE24 3HG.

Gift Aid Forms

Please download and print off the following form for those donating to WDP and who wish to take advantage of the inland revenue’s scheme for charitable donations. This will add 25% to the value of the offerings / donations given by those paying income tax. Please include all declarations when submitting the offerings or donations to the Treasurer.


First can we thank all the Organisers that are with us up and down the country, working away, being stressed at times but always there, ready to encourage  and enthuse our Christian community to come together in Prayer and Fellowship. To give support towards all in the world suffering inequality, depravation and injustice, but particularly those of the writing country by organising the World Day of Prayer event in their locality.  Thank You

But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Can you join us as an Organiser, using your own talents as well as encouraging local Christian groups to come together in support of this organisation as well as on the day of the World Day of Prayer, to appreciate and support those who suffer from inequalities, oppression and lack of justice through prayer and lifestyle and to organise locally, the annual World Day of Prayer Christian service within a framework set out by the writing country.

Helpful contacts:

Further contacts for the WDP and other organisations can be found on the CONTACTS page

2025 Order Form

Please insert your Organiser Number in the top right corner under the motif.


Please refer to the resources page for materials that may be helpful in support of your services.

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